The Latest POF Jobs 2023 are now declared. The term POF is an abbreviation that is used to represent Pakistan Ordnance Factories. It s actually a group of fourteen factories in Pakistan. It acts as a backbone in the production of useful products in Pakistan. It is the best opportunity for the candidates to be part of POF and move to full fill their dreams. It offers a good salary package and promises a good lifestyle.
Only recruits are required by the POF. It is good for young graduates and other uneducated people to get a noble job. The advertisement is displayed now on television and also published in the newspaper like Dawn newspapers. The pamphlet is also present on the official online portals. The other complete information related to POF Jobs 2023 is described down there.
Eligibility Criteria of POF Jobs 2023:
- Organization: POF.
- Qualifications: Metric to Masters.
- Posts: All over Pakistan.
- Age limit: 20 to 30 years.
- Gender: Only male.
- Legal advisor.
- Technician.
- Electrician.
- Computer operator.
- Data entry person.
- Shift Incharge.
- Clerk.
- Labor.
- Sweeper.
- Cook.
- Security guards.
Required Documents:
- Original CNIC.
- Domicile.
- Passed degree certificate.
- Computer diploma certificate.
How to Apply:
To Apply for POF Jobs 2023 just click on the button given below: