The Fishries Department Jobs 2023 are announced. The Fishries is as much important as forest in the progress of each country. Fishries Industry provides us with fishes that are formed an dis supplement in place of fishes from natural sources. Because some species are in dager of extinction That’s why it is important to protect the Fishes so there is a department established to protest Fishes from illegal catching. It is good for the fresh graduates that the jobs in Fishries Department are open now.
Only males are required by Fishries Department. It is a great opportunity for graduates to get a job that seems honorable. It also provides with healthy salary package and also promises a lightened life. The advertisement for Jobs in the Fishries Department is published in a newspaper like Express Newspaper. It is also published on the official portal of the Fishries Department. The candidates are advised to get a job in Fishries Department and grab this best opportunity. The complete information relate to Fishries Department Jobs 2023 is described below.
Eligibility Criteria of Fishries Department Jobs 2023:
- Organization: Fishries Department.
- Quaofcations: Metric to Masters.
- Posts: All over Paksitan.
- Age limit: 24 to 30 years.
- Gender: Both male and female are eligible for Fishries Department Jobs 2023.
- Electrician.
- Feed Mill Operator
- Fishes caretaker.
- Head Fishes Caretaker.
- Lab. Attendant.
- Security Guard.
- Fish tank cleaner.
Required Documents:
- Original CNIC.
- Domicile.
- Fishries course certificate.
How to Apply:
To Apply for Fishries Department Jobs 2023 just click on the button given below: